Caterina Pecchioli is a multimedia and multidisciplinary artist who explores the critical effects of the relationship between the individual and society starting from the study of daily actions, collective dynamics and power relationships. Her artistic process and creative output are based on a hybrid of traditional and relational aesthetics. She is co-founder of Nation25, an art collective and curatorial platform that deals with socio-political and environmental themes, with a special focus on migration issues. She is the art director of the art and fashion project “B&W – Black & White, The Migrant Trend”. Since 2003, her work has been displayed in national and international exhibition, museums, festivals. She has published articles on video art, photography and performances in collaboration with the University of Bologna and Siena.
Chalk Line (Linea di gesso)
Dv Pal, Stereo Sound, Color, 3′ 59″
Just with a chalk line I isolated an ants community inside its own territory. The fact that most of the ants don’t cross the line brings to a division of the community that effects the all organization, bringing to ineffective and self-destructive behaviors.
Nature mechanisms are used in the video to reflect on nations territories separations and use of control and fear.
Neverland (L’isola che non c’è)
Double Channel Video, 4′ 35″
Produced in the context of the project “CCDS-Controcarretta della Speranza”
The video shows an action of outward and return in a loop.
“I chose to repeat myself what is and has been the journey of many migrants on the coast of Pantelleria, in the same place that Garcia Marquez describes as a moonscape. Emerges from this action a video on migration as a constant search for a real and imaginary place where to “land”. The unstable soil of volcanic rocks makes the action complex, like the path that leads you to leave and to return, looking of a place to be and of themselves.”
Square Tape
Action by Nation25, The Nationless Pavilion, 56th Venice Biennale (Arsenale, Giardini)
On the 8th on May 2015 The Nationless Pavilion sent an asylum request to the 65 Nations present at the Biennale. The Nationless Pavilion was asking the permission to the curators of each National Pavilion to include in their space a square made of tape, as a symbolic presence of the 25th Nation.
This presence inside each National Pavilion brings the attention to this invisible state that lives within the different nations. The Asylum Request continued till the 22nd of November when the Biennale 56th closed. Conversations regarding permissions for square tape were visible as history/documentation inside Sale Docks.
We have obtained the asylum in Hungary, Armenia, South Africa, Romania, Brazil, Seychelles, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany, Grenada, Israel, Lithuania, Estonia and Thailand.