Patrick Joel Tatcheda Yonkeu was born in Douala, Cameroon in 1975. He received a scientific and religious Catholic education at St. Jean Baptiste de Bangangtè College in Cameroon. Always active in the areas between art and science, he turned to art in Italy in 2009. He received a scholarship for the Academy of Fine Arts and studied painting in Bologna. His work deals with human existence, spirituality and freedom in today’s society. As media he uses painting, sculpture and installation. He considers himself a fine arts researcher.

Patrick Joel Tatcheda Yonkeu is director of Black History Month Bologna


Versi di Vetro

Exhibition, essay, audio interview


The story of humanity is a story of migration; it starts in the mists of time and endures until today, even if the reasons for resettling change depending on the circumstances.
The difficulty of international government’s politics to face this phenomenon is quite evident (Operazione Mare nostrum, Frontex). An ancient African sage once said: “When the wind is blowing, we do not have to lean against it, but, like an old sailor, benefit from it’s movement and direction, to orientate ourselves.” In fact, the reasons that pushed people to move from their home, as well as the fragile socio-political situation in Europe, have already caused too many deaths.

The far-away verses of those who, in despair, fear or misery have left their families, loved ones, body and soul behind, resonate like an echo of the bells of the Last Judgement day. The artist proposes himself as a ferryman; Yes! Like Charon! Through the creation of a sculptural and installation work, he wants to mediate between our loved ones and society, so that the survivors have a chance to be welcomed, listened to, looked after and be protected, because they are the only witnesses of this catastrophe. Versi di vetro is conceived as a sanctuary that offers the opportunity to share a moment of commemoration, together with the survivors of this human tragedy.

Versi di Vetro