Tempus Tacendi
Tempus Tacendi (A time for silence) is a film that re-contextualizes Italian colonial narratives of migration through diasporic displacement and non-performative theatre. Drawing upon texts from playwright Vincenzo Martini’s Misantropia nella Società and Cose Affricane by his son, Ferdinando Martini, Governor of Eritrea during the Italian Colonial occupation, the piece is a non-linear meditation on Blackness and kin undercut by a capitalistic critique found in Ezra Pound’s Pisan Cantos.
Justin Randolph Thompson
Justin Randolph Thompson is a sculptor, media artist and musician. He was born in Peekskill, NY in 1979. He lives in Florence, Italy. Thompson’s work explores the meanings of cultural relics and the transformation of their meanings in the context of displacement and diaspora. With an aesthetic practice that is largely collaborative and interdisciplinary, he creates platforms and interprets community as temporary monuments. His work aims to deepen the debate on socio-cultural stratifications and hierarchical organizations by outlining hybrid, non-linear connections in history and in current socio-political discourse through installations and sound performances.