Beyond the visible - Ships
Photography, text
Beyond the visible – Ships consists of a series of photographs showing different views of the Mediterranean Sea as seen from the shore. The images resemble postcards sent from a vacation; a metaphor evoking well-being, leisure and contact with nature. If we examine the images closely we find a script extending downward from the upper side of the postcards moving seaward, into the image. This script records the coordinates either of sunken ships or of the harbours and piers where those ships were loaded and where they departed from: Beginning in the nineteen-eighties many cargo ships loaded with toxic waste vanished into the sea with no visible signs of the reason for their sinkage.
Eva Sauer
Eva Sauer, born in Florence in 1973, lives and works in Düsseldorf and Florence.
In her work she combines photography with text and sculpture. The main theme is the diverse, often subtle application of violence and existential fears and losses.