Some Considerations about European Concepts of Race since the Renaissance
First published in: Unmapping the Renaissance, ed. Angelika Stepken, Eva-Maria Troelenberg, Mariechen Danz, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 2015.
What we need to do is to prioritize a non-European study of Europeans, with special consideration for members of the former colonies of each country. Here in Italy, there should be priority for Somalia, Ethiopia and Libya; in Germany for Namibia, Tanzania, Togo, Cameroon, New Guinea, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa, etc … a residency program for artists, scientists, anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists from those countries to study Europeans in order to liberate Europeans from this self-defeating notion of being the definition of normality. Life is just more interesting than that.
Maria Thereza Alves
Maria Thereza Alves is an artist and co-founded the Partido Verde of São Paulo in 1987. In 1979, she made an official presentation on the human rights abuses of the indigenous population of Brazil at the U.N. Human Rights Conference in Geneva. In 2012 she participated in Documenta (13) with the installation The Return of a Lake and presented the new work A Possible Reversal of Missed Opportunities at the São Paulo Biennale in 2016.